Have you written your first blog post but are still waiting for organic traffic to bless your website? Many new bloggers are excited to start dishing out their knowledge and service to their vast audience but still hear crickets on their first blog post. No traffic equates to no viewers, which further equates to no action and sales. Tough situation, mate? 


No worries because your blog can start ranking by incorporating a few simple tricks. SEO or Search Engine Optimisation is a gold mine technique that tweaks the search engine in your favor. You just have to play by the rules (Google SERP Updates), and voila! You will soon get the engagement on your blogs you desire. 


As a digital marketing agency that provides Local SEO services in Melbourne, we know you have come to the right place to learn this technique. So let’s start by learning the basic terms in SEO content writing. 

What is an SEO Blog? 

An SEO blog is a type of long-form informative content on your website. Its main objective is to educate and engage your audience with the information they seek. Your blog must address the queries the users search for and provide solutions to their problems. You can also use an SEO blog to drive your sales funnel by introducing your potential customers to the service or product you offer. 


Anyways, back to the main point. An SEO blog has a few key elements you must be aware of. These are ranking factors for your blog content that are easily optimizable after knowing their purpose. 


Keywords are the most crucial parts of any SEO campaign. They direct the search engine crawler towards your blog where it gets analysed for content quality and query solving. Too complicated? Well, in simpler terms, keywords are search terms that users put into the search bar to get answers. Therefore, if your content has keywords it is termed as ‘SEO optimised content’. 


Meta Title

Do you remember searching for a keyword on Google and out come the results in blue colour? These are nothing but ‘meta titles’ or titles of your blog post that appear on the SERP (search engine results page). Choosing an appropriate meta title is important because it will compel the user to click on it and view your blog post. 


Meta Description

Now, focus a little more on the search results. Do you see the short summaries or one-line answers to your questions under the meta title? This short-form content element is called ‘meta description’. It appears as a one or two lines abstract that contextualises your SEO blog. 


Headers are exactly what the name suggests. They are headings of your blog post that divide it into distinct parts. You must address unique search queries in each heading. All your headings must be connected to the overall content of your blog and presented in a continuous flow. Topic tags are written as H2s and you can subdivide H2s further as H3s. 


Ever visited the Images section of Google SERP to see visual results? That’s because some users want to glance over a content piece rather than read the whole Odyssey. You can incorporate images and videos in your content to drive more actionable traffic. Use infographics, videos, interactive UXs, and more to engage your audience. Moreover, if they save any infographic from your site, your watermark will bring them back looking for more. 


Need we say this? URLs are links to your website pages that direct the user to your blog post. They are clickable. However, you should also optimise URLs to remove unnecessary fluff from their characters and keep it short and simple. As a local SEO company in Melbourne, we deal with URL optimisation and sitemaps. 


A CTA or call-to-action is a piece of content in your blog that invites the user to take immediate action. For example, you can ask your audience to subscribe to your newsletter, contact you for a service, or buy your product from the website. 


Your SEO blog must be readable by the general audience. No one likes to read technical jargon when searching for queries. Therefore, you should write simple sentences with a flow that directly talks to the audience. 

SEO Blog Post Example by Local SEO Company in Melbourne

Phew! Now that you know the intricacies of SEO content, let’s move on to the format of your blog. As a local SEO agency in Melbourne, we would suggest this format to you. You can customise it to fit your needs and word count. 


H1: Page Title

Introduction: Write a gripping introduction using the A-I-D-A (Attention, Interest, Desire, Action) format.

H2: Write your topic tags.

H3: Subdivide your topics for better understanding.

Conclusion: Finish with a proper ending and give your audience closure. 

CTA: Write an irresistible call to action. 

How to optimise blog posts for SEO?

Finally, we have reached the best part of SEO content writing. We specialise in enhancing the visibility of businesses through content optimization as a local SEO agency operating in Melbourne. Therefore, here’s a sneak peek into our content optimisation techniques that you can steal for your blog. 

Understand Search Intent

Search intent is the reason for the user’s search query. You have to psychologically dive deeper into the user’s brain to understand why they need a solution for this problem. You can determine search intent by analysing the keywords your target audience uses. 


For example, a user may search for ‘coffee’. This keyword can mean either the user is searching for coffee beans to buy or wants to know the best latte recipe. Or they may search ‘how to find good quality coffee beans’. This keyword gives more information about the search intent. 

Understand Target Audience

Your target audience is the potential customers who you want to engage with in your SEO blogs. A target audience can be divided into three types- unaware audience, interested audience, and loyal audience. You have to structure your content to cater to the audience you want to engage. 

For example, you can write an informative piece to educate the unaware audience about your services. You can structure more blogs for an interested and loyal audience to convert them into customers. As a local SEO company in Melbourne, we know how to structure this type of SEO copy. 

Start Keyword Research

Finally, here is the part where you must open your keyword research tool. You can use Google Search Console to get keywords for your blog post. These keywords must be based on the search intent of your target audience. 

Setting up a Google Search Console and analysing the right keywords might be a difficult job. You can either conduct the process yourself or hire an SEO agency to fulfil this task for you. 

Write a Catchy Title

First impressions matter right? Well, they do on the SERP, too. Hence, you must create an enthralling meta title that evokes curiosity and resolution in your audience. The meta title must be ideally 60 characters long. Also, do not forget to add a keyword to up your rankings on the SERP. 

You can use these title templates or a Title Generator tool to create catchy titles for your content. 

“How to do XYZ in 30 Days”

“10 Tips to Boost Your XYZ.”

“Here’s How You Can Do XYZ.”

“The Ultimate Guide to XYZ.”

Draw a Blog Outline

Now, don’t just rush into the writing part. Compose a blog outline with all headings and images to ease the writing process. Plan when and where you can fuse some keywords in the content to optimise it for SEO. You can use the outline given above. 

Optimise Keywords in Content

It is time to optimise keywords in your content after you finish writing it. There are a few places where you must mention your keywords. The first is the page title that we explained above. Add a keyword at the start of the title to increase your chances of ranking. 

Next, add your keywords in the H2s and H3s wherever possible. You must also optimise your meta description so that it summarises your content in the SERP and gives a glimpse to the reader of what they will find after clicking. URLs must also contain keywords. 

Use Alt Text for Images

Images are an alter ego of SERP results. Many websites forget to utilise the second part of the results page in Google. If you are using real-life images that give direct answers to your users, you are sure to rank higher. Add an Alt Text to these images describing to the crawler what they are about. 

Include Links to Other Site Pages

This process is generally called internal linking. You can drive organic traffic to your blog through SEO and introduce your audience to the services you provide. You can either link another blog from your website or the service section related to the blog. 

Use Correct Grammar

Grammar is one of Google’s ranking factors. Correct grammar displays the authority of the user in the language. It also indicates that the content has clarity of thought and will be a great blog to rank. Therefore, follow all the grammar rules and increase the quality of your content. Just pick a Wren & Martin or download a Grammarly plugin. 

Improve Readability Score

The Flesh-Kincaid scale determines the readability of content. It will analyse your content and tell you whether it’s fit for a high-school level of understanding or a college graduate level. You can fit your content to the user’s understanding as per this scale. A score of 60 and above is generally preferred for blogs. Yoast plugin suggests you use fewer passive sentences, and correct grammar and punctuation to increase your readability score. 

Finally, we have reached the end of our SEO optimization techniques. But wait, we have a few more tricks up our sleeves that you can use in your SEO strategy. 

5 Bonus Tips for SEO Blog Writing by our SEO Agency in Melbourne

Our top writers suggest these tips improve content quality and cover a wider range of audiences. These tips will drive more organic traffic to your website. 

Tip 1: Use Keyword Clusters

Keyword clusters are the new norm. In addition to long-tail keywords or search queries, you must use relevant keywords in your content. You can customise the given keywords in their different forms to avoid ‘keyword stuffing’. 

Tip 2: Use Numbers in Your Blog Title

Numbers are proven to gain more clicks compared to bland blog titles. Therefore, count the number of tips or products you are listing and drop them in your blog title. 

Tip 3: Use Transition Words to Improve Readability Score

The readability of the content depends on a continual flow of the overall text. Therefore, you must use transition words like ‘however’, ‘nevertheless’, ‘furthermore’, ‘additionally’, etc to increase readability. You can look up more transition words online. 

Tip 4: Optimise Existing Blogs for Latest Information

Many times it can happen that your blogs are showing outdated information. These can include dates, numbers, current events, etc. Be sure to update the latest information to continually build trust. 

Tip 5: Optimise for Featured Snippets

Featured snippets are the search results that pop up in paragraphs on the SERP. Believe us, you have done a great job in research and content phrasing if your content appears as a featured snippet. Use the People Also Ask question bar to optimise answers in your blogs that can come up as featured snippets. 

Remember, SEO is a gold mine technique that can transform your blog’s visibility and bring in the engagement, action, and sales you’ve been longing for. Take charge of your blog’s destiny and start reaping the rewards of optimised content. Contact Brainmine Web Solutions, your trusted local SEO agency in Melbourne, and witness the growth and success of your blog firsthand. Get in touch now and let SEO pave the way to your blogging triumph.


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